Student Involvement


“These people here, they're family to me now. We have bonded over our love for theatre and we have gotten the privilege to make beautiful art together.”

~ Ashley Surdovel, Class of 2020

King’s Theatre gives student the opportunity to take on numerous leadership rolls, both on and of the stage. This includes scenic design, paint, lighting, stage management, directing, costuming, choreographing, public relations and educative board positions with our theatre club, The King’s Players. Each student is unique and has the chance to demonstrate their individual talents within our department.

Student Testimonies

“King’s Theatre has given me endless opportunities to get involved and share my passions within the department. For the majority of my theatrical career,  I've strictly been a performer. As a freshman, I quickly learned that there is no such thing. Through classes, I got to develop skills in scenic painting and shop work which made me appreciate the stage I get to perform on so much more. I have also had the opportunity to student choreograph two of our Musicals, which gave me the chance to take on a responsibility and share my love of dance. One of my main contributions to King's Theatre is working in Public Relations. As a Marketing major, I get to apply skills I learn in the classroom to something I'm both knowledgeable and passion it about. KC theatre has given me a family, life long relationships, well-roundedness, and most importantly enables me to do what I love.”

~ Mikayla Acree, Class of 2022

"During my tenure with the King’s College Theatre department, my experience with the tech side has been rather enjoyable. The people in charge have always been kind and amiable, and they always work their hardest to produce some of the best shows that I have ever seen outside of Broadway. I also got to experience what it is like to be on tech crew after so many years of being just an actor. I got to work on various aspects on the tech side of theatre that I never experienced before in high school. I saw how much work that gets put into making a show, not just from the actors learning their lines and songs, but also from the tech building and painting every set, hanging and setting lights and so much more.”

~ Chip Lemheney, Class of 2021